Chidimma Adetshina, who faced xenophobic rejection in South Africa, has triumphed as the winner of Miss Universe Nigeria 2024. Representing Taraba State, the 23-year-old law student claimed the prestigious title at the grand finale held at Eko Hotels & Suites, Lagos, on Saturday night, marking a remarkable turn of events after her forced withdrawal from a South African beauty pageant.

Adetshina’s journey to the crown has been anything but ordinary. Earlier this year, she was compelled to withdraw from a South African beauty pageant due to xenophobic backlash over her Nigerian nationality. However, her dreams of pageantry were reignited when she received an invitation to compete in Miss Universe Nigeria 2024, a chance she eagerly embraced.

“I am so excited, I just feel like this is a second chance in achieving one of my biggest dreams and my biggest goals,” Adetshina said in an interview with ARISE NEWS. “I’ve always wanted to be a model, and when I first learned about pageantry in 2017, I told myself I wanted to be the next Miss Universe. Now, I’m aligning with that vision, and I’m truly grateful.”

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The competition, organized by the Silverbird Group and featuring 25 participants, was a testament to Adetshina’s resilience and determination. Guy Murray-Bruce, President of Silverbird Group, announced her as the winner, solidifying her place in the spotlight.

Despite initial concerns about how her fellow contestants would receive her, Adetshina expressed her gratitude for the overwhelming support she received from the other participants. “Ever since I’ve gotten here, I’ve only received so much love and encouragement from all of the girls,” she shared. “I came in thinking there might be some resentment, but I’ve been welcomed with open arms, and I’m just really happy to be part of this amazing group of women.”

As the newly crowned Miss Universe Nigeria, Adetshina’s victory is not only a personal achievement but also a powerful statement against the xenophobic challenges she faced. Her story is one of resilience, courage, and the unwavering pursuit of dreams.