Emirat Omookun a super magnificent rapper and Beambo taylor a mind blowing female rapper,Two great minds glued on a song is what we should call a monster masterpiece ..


We never saw this coming and ofcourse here it is.
EMIRAT OMOOKUN who has been working so hard on a low has proven his magnificence as he shows the genius in him with this mind blowing hit called “SUNMOMI”…
Both loved up and expressed emotional lines to each other
Are they really in love? The answer to the question is on the song
SUNMOMI meaning come closer is a love song expressed with soft and tender vocals and its off EMIRAT’S coming EP ALBUM titled ” DA LEAST XPECTED ” (DLX)
This addictive hit was made by a twenty four years old producer named DON G THA SILENT KILLAH BEATZ!
Download and enjoy

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