Because the saying that united we stand and divided we fall has always been real and true, rapper LMG has made move to unite with other young rappers to unveil the hip-hop group ‘Go Tuff’.


According to the rapper who has been using the name in some of his earliest lyrics, the group was formed to show the world what her members can really offer together and individually.
Speaking to, LMG said, “We have come together to shake the world. Many would be thinking that we are on the verge of starting a record label but it is not what it is. It is a group that will help members see the best in them.
I have seen what everyone here can offer the hip-hop world, which makes me wonder what our collective effort would be.”
Like the name goes ‘Go Tuff’, it parades young artistes with talent and die hard attitude in their love for music as well their belief that success is never something far from them.
The list has LMG, Tuko, MIC and Ruji and while the first three are artistes Ruji’s job will be to see that the group is well managed and, LMG is the leader of the group
They have also issued a ‘watch out for us notice’, and we wait to see what they can do.

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