Nollywood actress Ekene Umenwa has joyfully announced the birth of her first child, sharing the news alongside a stunning and spiritual maternity shoot that has captivated her fans. The actress, known for her deep spirituality, chose to recreate the image of the Virgin Mary in her maternity photos, expressing her profound gratitude for the gift of motherhood.

Ekene took to Instagram to reveal the news, describing her pregnancy journey as a beautiful and blessed experience. She praised the Blessed Trinity and Mother Mary for their unwavering support and guidance throughout her journey to motherhood.

The inspiration behind her unique maternity shoot, she revealed, came from a vision she had while praying at a grotto. Deeply revering Mother Mary, Ekene felt compelled to honor her through this creative tribute. “I am truly blessed by the Lord’s mercy. My pregnancy journey was a wonderful experience, and I give praise to the Blessed Trinity and honor to our Mother Mary, who stood by me throughout,” Ekene wrote in her heartfelt post.

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Though she humbly acknowledged feeling unworthy to emulate the Holy Mother, the actress expressed immense joy in being able to pay tribute to her. “It brings me immense joy to be able to dress as Mother Mary, whom I hold dear. Although I feel unworthy to stand in her presence, her mercy has touched me deeply,” she added.

Ekene’s announcement has been met with an outpouring of love and congratulations from fans and fellow celebrities, who have praised her for the unique and touching way she chose to celebrate her new chapter as a mother.