Veteran Yoruba actor Tajudeen Oyewole, better known as Abija, has turned to social media to seek financial assistance. The 66-year-old actor, renowned for his roles as a traditionalist in Yoruba movies, reached out to his fans during a live session on TikTok.

In a now-trending video, Abija expressed gratitude to those who have already contributed to his bank account and appealed for further support.


“Larry, thank you so much. May you grow old in sound health. I have posted my account details in the comment section of Baba Legba. I appreciate your generosity,” he said.

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He continued, “You will never have to beg to survive, and you will not suffer in life. My account details are in the comment section. Thank you, everyone.”

The heartfelt plea has garnered widespread attention and support from his followers and the broader social media community.