A devastating family tragedy unfolded in Maiduguri on Sunday when Sergeant Sunday Wadzani of the Nigeria Police Force fatally shot his father, a retired Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP). The incident occurred behind the Borno State Police Headquarters in Modugannari, casting a somber shadow over the local community.

The shocking news was first reported by Zagazola Makama, a renowned counterterrorism and insurgency expert, who shared details on his X (formerly Twitter) account. According to Makama, the altercation that led to the fatal shooting took place behind the police headquarters, adding a layer of complexity to the tragic event.

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While the exact motive behind the shooting remains unclear, initial reports suggest a heated argument between father and son may have escalated. The Borno State Police Command has not yet issued an official statement regarding the incident, leaving many questions unanswered about the circumstances leading to this tragic outcome.


The Borno State Police Command is expected to provide further details as their investigation unfolds. The incident has stirred a wave of shock and grief within the police community and beyond, highlighting the personal and professional strains that can tragically intersect.