As the curtain of the month of October is being drawn by the creator, artistes are taking advantage of the buzz created by month end to drop singles.
Some are coming towards the end of the month, while others will come  at the beginning of the fresh November  which is still good for whosoever chose a date in that area.


Amidst the dissing and counter-dissing that rocked the city of Owerri this month; things will finally be calm as no diss track is expected to make the list of these singles that are to be released from now till the first week of November 2013.
A look at the list has debutants and others who have been there for as long as they can remember and no matter the experience, I believe these tracks are supposed to be on everyone’s device when they are finally released.

Micky Sampson – Fine Girl – Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Now for all the fine girls in Africa, this is something for you. And I ask what happens to those who are fairly fine and unfairly fine?
A worthy dedication to every African girl if not for anything, beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.
Unless that girl in your heart is not African and will not be settling her as an African, you don’t want to miss this track.

Jayboy – Close to me (Remix) Ft Acharaman – Wednesday, October 23, 2013
One love song no one would love to miss in this century.  Jayboy brings up with Acharaman in the remix of the track ‘Close to me’
He is not unknown, not after Komaro, loving me all night, and Omo lekpa,  so what he can do will never be in the dark. With Acharaman on a love song? Yes we should know he had already played lover boy on ‘Sherikoko’ and this combination with Jaboy will surely yield something bigger for our time.
This is a song we all must wait for.

Hardy – Shadow Ft Murda Crack  – Friday, October 25, 2013
Hardy will be testing the whips of critics for the first time on his debut single. He has no choice but to savour whatever he sees from it.
Featuring Murda Crack,  one of the unique rappers in the city of Owerri, the song roles with an R&B swing all the way and it is a sure massage for everyone that invest in hating others.
For a blogger who has said many bad things about artistes, this might be another time for artistes to respond to him.
Meanwhile let’s wait for Hardy’s shadow to be released.


LMG- One bottle Ft RuffCoin – Saturday , October 26, 2013
LMG marks the end of his controversies (for now) with the release of this fusion of hip-hop and highlife. Could this be the reason why he didn’t mention RuffCoin on ‘Caution’?
With RuffCoin on this track, it will surely be a track for everyone to play and with LMG as the owner of the song, the whips are ready to hammer him if he fails to deliver more than everyone he has dissed earlier.
This is surely one time we will all see if LMG will still Go-Tuff or Go-Soft just like Keony said in Wambo Wambo.
One bottle is one thing we cannot wait for, but while we wait, remember thus ‘Don’t drink and driver even when bars have car parks’

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Aizbag – Groundnut – Saturday, October 26, 2013.
The second track for the Saturday and one from one of the most talented producers in the entire South East region.
His last was Aire, and now he wants to share groundnut in this club tearing track.
Can you guess what the groundnut is?
As you wait to find out, look for the next aboki to polish your dancing shoes because they’ll have some work to do when this single finally drops on Saturday.

Bishop Dyke – Wetin You Carry – Sunday, October 27, 2013
The Gwam ife n’eme crooner makes a unique come back with this track to cement his place on the list of top artistes in the region.
A worthy dance hall track that surely says everything from its title.
Bishop Dyke has the license to thrill with his voice and his ability to swing it like the popular ‘Jangolova’ , makes him a real deal.
 If you want to dance to a real tune this month, wait till 27th,, then get ‘wetin you carry’.

U-Gems – Rozay FT LMG – Wednesday October 30 2013
If you love to listen to a good singer, U-Gems should probably be on your list. He has stepped out with a point to prove and there surely nothing that can stop him now.
 Just nothing but divine intervention.
Featuring rapper LMG, who still stretches the melody like he always does on slow whine beat to produce a wonderful track that is laced on a sweet rhymes.
Rozay is a love song and while you are loving someone with the track, be sure to be loving this U-Gems who is ready to take the place of the best singer in this area.
Warm you waist and be ready to take it low low low low.

M.I.C –Mastermind – Friday November 1, 2013
Another single from the Go-Tuff group, M.I.C takes off from the lyrical banks of poets like Go-Tuff, leader, LMG marking his uniqueness with his voice and patua.
M.I.C makes a fine debut after the taking the last verse on Kasablanka’s Street Worship.
So much has been said about this track which is a good reason why the whips are ready for this young man.
Will he be whipped or applauded? November 1 will tell.
